Assisi Hospice

Regular Volunteers

Life is a road that we all journey on. For the moment, it is someone’s turn to be at the end. Eventually, it will be our turn. As hospice volunteers, we walk each other home on this journey of life.

At Assisi Hospice, we recognise the valuable role our volunteers play. Your service is a labour of love that goes a long way to support our mission to provide quality palliative care to our patients and their families.

We are looking for individuals with a few hours to spare each month, a passion to volunteer and a heart to serve and support our patients and their families. There are many ways you can get involved in to help create real and lasting impact in the lives of our patients; if you think you’ve got what it takes to be a volunteer, we invite you to join us!

Considerations for Volunteering at Assisi Hospice

1. Background Screening

In line with the new Healthcare Services Act (HCSA) licensing requirements designed to protect vulnerable patients, all new Assisi volunteers must consent to a background screening as part of the volunteer application process.

2. Volunteering Commitment

Recognising the vital role that committed volunteers play in supporting patient care, we kindly request that volunteers commit to at least 48 hours of service per year, which averages to about 4 hours per month. Student volunteers are required to complete a minimum of 48 hours of service within the year to be eligible for a testimonial or letter of service.

3. Healthcare Safety

COVID-19 immunisation is mandatory for all Assisi Volunteers and Volunteer-Carers. New volunteers must upload their COVID-19 immunisation documents (clearly showing name/NRIC and vaccination details) into the Volunteer Management System after completing their registration. Please note that applications without the required immunisation documentation will be deemed incomplete and will not be processed.

Overview of Volunteer Categories

Van Escort (VE) Volunteer Carer (VC) Volunteer with Special Skills
(Eg: Dentist, Hairstylists,
Manicurist. Musicians etc)
NODA Volunteer
(Must be a regular Assisi volunteer who have at least 4 consecutive months of Inpatient VC experience)
Minimum Age 17 years old 17 years old 17 years old 30 years old
Service Commitment Minimum of
48 hours per year
(ie. 4 hours per month)
Minimum of
48 hours per year
(ie. 4 hours per month)
Subject to role requirements Minimum of
48 hours per year
(excluding vigil hours)
Must have valid proof of immunisation against COVID-19 Must have valid proof of immunisation against COVID-19 Must have valid proof of immunisation against COVID-19 Must have valid proof of immunisation against COVID-19
Training Orientation (e-module)
On-the-Job Training
(2 sessions)
Orientation (e-module)
Volunteer Training / Onboarding
(3 x 0.5 days)
Orientation (e-module)
Volunteer Training / Onboarding
(3 x 0.5 days)
NODA Training (0.5 day)
Service Areas Day Care Centre
Day Care Centre
Inpatient Wards
Home Care (Ad-Hoc)
Subject to type of skill provided Day Care Centre
Inpatient Wards
Home Care (Ad-Hoc)
NODA Vigil
Remarks Please speak with the Volunteer Coordinator on the specialised area of service that vou can provide Eligible candidates can register their interest with any of the Volunteer Management (VM) Coordinators.

Selection of new NODA trainees is at the discretion or the VM team.

Shortlisted volunteers will be invited to attend NODA training, with a probation period of 6 months to assess suitabilitv.

Van Escort (VE)

  • Age requirement: 17 years old and above.
  • Commitment level: At least 48 hours within the year (i.e. 4 hours per month).
  • Duties: Include accompanying the driver of the Day Care Van to escort patients between their home and Assisi Day Care, assist with mobility of patients and ensuring patients’ well-being during the journey. Volunteers should not have motion sickness.
  • Service area: Day Care (weekdays only).
  • Training requirement: Orientation (e-module) + Hand-Hygiene Assessment (30min) + On-the-Job Training (2 sessions).
  • Immunisation requirement: To submit proof of immunisation against COVID-19.

Volunteer Carer (VC)

  • Age requirement: 17 years old and above.
  • Commitment level: At least 48 hours within the year (i.e. 4 hours per month).
  • Duties: Include patient-care (e.g. changing diapers, bed-sponging), befriending patients, meal-time support, sitting with patients to ensure their safety, etc.
  • Service areas: Day Care, Inpatient Ward, Home Care, Events.
  • Training requirement: Orientation (e-module) + Volunteer Training (1.5 days).
  • Immunisation requirement: To submit proof of immunisation against COVID-19.

Volunteer With Special Skills (VSS)

  • Requirement: Professionals in their respective fields (e.g. dentists, manicurist, hairdresser, musicians).
  • Commitment level: As agreed with Volunteer Management Team.
  • Training requirement: Orientation (e-module) + Volunteer Training (1.5 days).
  • Immunisation requirement: To submit proof of immunisation against COVID-19.

No One Dies Alone (NODA)

  • Age requirement: 30 years old and above
  • Other requirements: Completed Volunteer-Carer (VC) Training, with VC experience of at least 4 consecutive months.
  • Commitment level: At least 48 hours within the year (i.e. minimum of 4 hours per month), excluding vigil.
  • Training requirement: NODA Training (0.5 day).
  • Immunisation requirement: To submit proof of immunisation against COVID-19.

Areas of Service

Day care Centre

  • Weekdays (excluding public holidays).
  • Service hours: 7.45am-10.00am (Van Escort) | 9.30am-1.30pm (Day Care) | 2.45pm-5pm (Van Escort).
  • Duties include: Van escort, assist with mobility of patients, pantry/meal service, support group activities, accompany patients for outings.

Inpatient Ward

  • Opening hours: Monday to Sunday (24-hours).
  • Service hours: 8am-10am | 10am-12pm | 12pm-2pm | 2pm-4pm | 4pm-6pm | 6pm-8pm.
  • Duties include: Direct patient-care (sponging, transfer and turning of patients, diaper-changing, oral care), befriending, meal-service, wheeling patients to the garden, answering call bells, sitting with restless patients to ensure safety.

Home care Service

  • Opening hours: Monday to Sunday (24-hours).
  • Service hours: Ad-hoc basis (subject to requests from the Home Care clinical team).
  • Duties include: Escorting patients for medical appointments, picking up medication, house-cleaning, personal grooming, meal delivery.

How to get started on Your volunteering journey?