Assisi Hospice

I Feel Accepted At Assisi

To Raj, or Ivan as he was known later, life was never easy. Despite the challenges he faced in school and at home, Raj never gave up – he was almost 30 years old when he returned to school to pursue his diploma and subsequently, his degree.

Just when he thought that his life had taken an upturn, Raj had to put his degree on hold due to financial difficulties and returned to work. Then he was diagnosed with cancer. His body was weakening by the day until he could no longer work nor take care of himself. He had nowhere to go and nobody to turn to. It was at this critical juncture in his life that Raj was admitted to Assisi Hospice.

Assisi became more than a place where Raj had lived out the end of his days. It was home, and he received the care and love that he had always wanted. He said, “The kindness from everyone makes me feel at home at Assisi. I feel accepted.” Raj also found his Creator at Assisi and had committed his life into His loving hands. And just a day before breathing his last, Raj was overjoyed to have the reassuring presence of his father and brother by his bed side and to be able to bid farewell to them. In the end he was with love and was surrounded with love.

Raj had hoped to share his brief life journey as a way of expressing his heartfelt gratitude to Assisi. He believed that if his story is able to touch someone’s heart and prompts them to support the hospice; he would not have lived in vain.

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