Assisi Hospice

A Safety Net in Assisi Hospice

A single man in his 70s, Mr Leo Ah Koon used to work at a shipyard, before taking on jobs at hawker centres and coffee shops. Home was a sparsely-furnished rental flat which he shared with a younger brother until the latter moved away, leaving Mr Leo mostly on his own.

In May 2015, a check-up at a doctor after he experienced discomfort and excessive sweating led to a lung cancer diagnosis. A stent was immediately inserted into him to drain the fluids in his lungs. By now, Mr Leo was weak and could no longer work.

When Mr Leo was referred to Assisi Hospice Home Care in November 2015, he was in great discomfort and pain. Tiring easily, he had to give up his independence and was confined to his flat. Our doctors and nurses immediately set about relieving his pain symptoms, while the Medical Social Worker sourced for fans and a portable air-conditioning unit to ease the intense body heat and perspiring he experienced.

Due to his condition, he was constantly breathless and each episode would traumatise him greatly, as he was always alone and had no caregiver. Knowing how worried Mr Leo was, the Assisi Hospice team quickly established a safety plan and emergency call list to ensure his safety at home, giving him reassurance in the knowledge that help was always available. More importantly, they explored creative ways to help Mr Leo manage his breathlessness and regain his independence, as he could restart his walks around the estate.

When Mr Leo’s condition began to deteriorate, he was admitted to Assisi Hospice Day Care and Inpatient Care, and we took on the role of caring for him, so that he would not be on his own.

Mr Leo passed away peacefully in Assisi Hospice in July 2016.

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