Grief and Bereavement Care
The loss of a loved one can be a devastating experience. Grieving an impending loss may also be stressful and heartbreaking. At Assisi Hospice, bereavement care is available for families and loved ones of our current or late patients to support them in coping with grief and gradually adjust to life after loss.
The Grief and Bereavement Care Team comprises professional counsellors and therapists who specialise in grief work and who understand the needs of the bereaved. Our services include:
Counselling and Therapeutic Groupwork
Individual Bereavement Counselling
Reach out to us if you need support to understand your grief and emotions, work on your regrets relating to grief, find peace and closure, regulate overwhelming emotions, unpack grief after loss, or process your grief without judgement.
Bereavement Support Group
Bereavement Support Group is a therapeutic groupwork for individuals who have experienced the loss of a loved one and would like to come together to work on their grief, emotions, and experiences in a safe and supportive environment. Led by trained grief counsellors and therapists, the group encourages sharing and connection, with all discussions kept confidential.
The group aims to address the emotional, psychological and practical challenges of grieving the death of a loved one. With a structured format and specific focus, our professional facilitators guide the discussions and grief processing. Participants also benefit from the supportive group dynamic, which helps reduce feelings of isolation and provide validation. As a group, participants find meaning, adjust to life after loss and eventually move forward. Healing is a gradual process, and there is no pressure to “get over” the loss.
With a focus on emotional readiness, participants should be at least 6 months past their loss and feel emotionally stable to engage in group discussions. Over the course of 6 sessions, participants are expected to commit to at least 4 sessions, allowing them to build meaningful connections and work through their grief at their own pace.
Grief Café
Grief Cafe provides a safe and supportive space for individuals who are experiencing grief and loss. Designed to be like a café or community space with a casual, inclusive and comforting atmosphere, it is a place where people can come together to share their stories, emotions, and experiences in a compassionate and non-judgmental environment. Led by trained grief counsellors, individuals are guided in navigating their grief journey through open conversations, with all discussions kept confidential.
Centred on shared experiences rather than professional intervention, participants connect with others who understand their grief, fostering a sense of solidarity and validation, finding solace among others who truly understand.
Individuals can decide on their level of participation – some may share openly, while others may prefer to simply listen. In addition, professional facilitation from the trained counsellor provides valuable educational inputs on coping strategies, self-care, and grief awareness. It is a space for comfort, healing, and hope following a profound loss, without deep emotional processing.
Bereavement Care Outreach
(Only for bereaved families of patients cared for by Assisi Hospice)
Interfaith Memorial Service
(Only for bereaved families of patients cared for by Assisi Hospice)
Assisi Hospice started our first Interfaith Memorial Service in 2005. It is held every six months for caregivers and staff in remembrance of patients who had passed on. Prayers and words of comfort by religious leaders from five different faiths – Buddhist, Muslim, Taoist, Hindu and Christian, provide encouragement to the caregivers.
Know of someone in need of our Bereavement Care service? To make a referral for your patient/client, submit the Bereavement Counselling Referral Form.
FAQs for Grief and Bereavement Care
How does counselling help one cope with grief?
If you are grieving, please know that you do not have to grieve alone. There is help available. A counsellor provides a safe space for you to express your grief, and facilitates processing for your thoughts and emotions. Through counselling, you may understand how you are responding to loss, gain new perspectives and insight, learn new skills and access inner resources to complement current coping strategies.
Does everyone need counselling after losing a loved one?
It depends on an individual’s needs and grieving style. While the majority of bereaved persons are able to cope with loss and grief with their own resources and support networks, some people find it more helpful to talk with a professional to process their grief experiences and explore coping. For the latter, bereavement counselling may be a possible option.
Are there relevant reading materials to aid my coping with grief and bereavement?
Yes, Grief Compass is a publication by Assisi Hospice that aims to provide helpful information and resources about grief and bereavement for grieving and bereaved individuals. Hardcopy booklets are available in Assisi Hospice inpatient wards for your reading.
What is the difference between individual counselling and group work? How do I know which service is suitable for me?
Individual counselling involves a trained professional helping a single individual work through grief within a specific number of sessions based on the individual’s needs. The processing of thoughts, emotions, concerns and issues takes place in a confidential and private space and can proceed at the individual’s pace. It differs from getting advice from friends, family, and acquaintances, since it is a professional service provided by a trained professional. Group work, as the name suggests, involves processing of grief and related thoughts, emotions and issues with others on a similar journey, facilitated by a trained professional. Support groups encourage mutual help, resonance and shared experience; and may be helpful in reintegration post-loss. They offer human contact, especially for those with a diminished social network following a death. In the more acute or early phase of grief, you may wish to proceed with one-to-one counselling to process grief at an individualised pace. Those who are experiencing less acute grief and are open to connect with others to access peer support, may wish to consider group work.
Is there a fee involved for the bereavement care services?
There is no charge for our bereavement care services.
Where does the counselling session or group work take place?
Counselling sessions can take place in Assisi Hospice or at the client’s home as long as the space is conducive. Other modes of communication can be explored if face-to-face counselling is not possible. Group work takes place in Assisi Hospice.
How soon after loss should I request for support?
We welcome referrals made at any point of time in your grieving journey. Some people prefer to access counselling quite soon after a death occurs, while others prefer to deal with the practical matters before doing so. Others feel the importance of working on their anticipatory grief before a death occurs. There is no right or wrong time to access help. You may wish to consider your needs and priorities when deciding when to do so.
Can I refer other members in my family for bereavement care services?
We strongly encourage you to speak openly with your family member about your concern on their coping and needs for professional service. Their openness and readiness to receive support is essential to allow them to benefit from the services provided.
How can I or my family member access the bereavement care services offered by Assisi Hospice?
You may request for a referral through your healthcare team in Assisi Hospice, or write in to us directly through the following ways:
- Online form or
- Email –
- We will respond within 3 working days upon receiving your message.
If I am feeling suicidal after a loss, who should I reach out to for help?
Please call 995 for urgent help. You may also call Samaritans of Singapore at 1-767 (24-hour hotline) or WhatsApp them at 91511767 (24-hour CareText) if you wish to speak with someone about your suicidal thoughts.