Assisi Hospice

Son of former patient will ‘Race for Nurses’

Tan Weide is the son of Assisi’s former patient, 64 year-old Mr Tan Leng Cheok. Mr Tan Leng Cheok had liver cancer. His condition deteriorated and was hospitalised in July last year. Weide witnessed the change in his father after he came under the care of Assisi Hospice’s Day Care service.

Weide said, “After discharge, he seemed to have lost 80% of his memory. He couldn’t remember how to use the phone and couldn’t even count from 1 to 10. His mood was also very low, and he even took to drinking. We were very worried for him.”

Mr Tan Leng Cheok came under the care of Assisi Hospice Day Care in Sep 2020. As Mr Tan was staying alone, his family hoped that the medical care and interaction at the Day Care Centre would help him.

Weide said, “The progress was amazing. We had been worried that he would soon forget us, but after going to Day Care daily, his memory really improved. He would tell me about the friends he made, and share what he had learned. He never used to cook but he would tell me about what he made during the cooking sessions at Day Care. He did gardening. He enjoyed the music therapy sessions and was part of the Senior Boleh Chimes Choir. I was present for his first performance during Christmas last year, and was really proud of him.”

Emotionally, Mr Tan also managed to reconcile with his family. He got divorced when his children were young due to drinking problems. Weide said, “He apologised to my mother and us.  He also told me that he had time to sit down and think and reflect, and he was ready to be with the Lord.”

Weide was touched by the care both him and his father received at the Day Care, and especially the attention from the nurses. He said, “She would text me often, to update me on my father’s health condition, medication and how to care for him, and send photos of his activities and progress. We were also worried about his care arrangements if he deteriorate further, and the nurse shared that inpatient care was an option. When we were concerned about whether we could cope financially, the nurse also provided information on what to expect, the cost involved and lots of assurance that help was available.”

Mr Tan passed on in February this year. When Weide heard about Assisi’s “I Race for Nurses”, he decided to take part to show his appreciation to the nurses who cared for his father. He said, “I would always remember how helpful and comforting they were, providing assurance and calming us when we were worried and lost.”

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