Assisi Hospice

Assisi Learning Festival 2024 – Volunteer & Care Symposium

Over 170 volunteers, healthcare professionals, allied health professionals, social workers, counsellors and members of communities supporting families of patients at end-of-life had an enriching and memorable learning experience at Assisi Hospice during the 4-day Volunteer & Care Symposium, held from 22 to 25 Mar 2024. Hospice physician and end-of-life doula Dr Aditi Sethi from the United States shared about various community-supported models around the world, and conducted two interactive experiential workshops – “Being Present for Those at End-of-Life” and “The Person Behind the Patients – How to Support a Dying Experience that Honours the Unique Individual”. Our Assisi colleagues shared on the No One Dies Alone (NODA) programme, Culture & Religion in Palliative Care and Bereavement Support in Palliative Care. The symposium is supported by Community Care Manpower Development Awards (CCMDA).

“The topics discussed are much needed, with overseas and local content to encourage reflective thinking and germination of new ideas. Everyone was given ample opportunity to have their voices heard with practitioners and volunteers coming together to share. This is indeed a rich learning community,” said Ms Yeo Tan Tan, Senior Care Manager, Alexandra Hospital.

Hospice physician and end-of-life doula Dr Aditi Sethi from the United States shared about various community-supported models around the world.

The Volunteer & Care Symposium is the first in the Assisi Learning Festival 2024 – a series of symposiums presented by various subject experts in palliative care. Started in 1969 as a mission of love to serve the underserved, Assisi Hospice is proud to celebrate its 55th year of Caring for Life by presenting the Assisi Learning Festival 2024. This series, which is offered free to participants as Assisi Hospice’s gift to the community, hopes to equip participants with practical knowledge in different aspects of palliative care and empower our fellow healthcare colleagues to do more and build a compassionate society.

We would like to thank all our speakers and participants for their sharing and active participation.

Look out for updates on the other three other symposiums in Assisi Learning Festival 2024 – Spiritual Care @ Assisi Hospice in Jul 2024, Allied Health Symposium and Music, You and Me in Aug 2024!

Group photo after the first lecture session.

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