Assisi Hospice

Patients’ creations in Courtyard

Our Day Care patients were proud to see that their art creations had become part of the landscape of Assisi Courtyard! Under the guidance of local multi-disciplinary artist Angie Seah, our patients had fun spending 20 hours exploring and creating artwork using different mediums, cumulating in a final art piece which was transposed onto vinyl and secured to the planter surfaces in our Courtyard. One of our patients, 73 year-old Teo Choon Mui said, “I am very happy to be part of this project as I am able to learn new skills.” 

We would like to thank WeCare Arts Fund by the National Arts Council and People’s Association for enabling our patients to experience joy through this meaningful project.

Our patients with their art creation on the planters
Patient Teo Choon Mui creating her artwork.

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