Assisi Hospice

Day Care Centre, Level 1, Assisi Hospice

Opening Address by CEO

Lecture: Introduction by Dr Patricia Neo

Presented by: Dr Patricia Neo, Clinical Director, Assisi Hospice

To kick off the Assisi Allied Health Symposium, Dr Patricia Neo will lay the groundwork by sharing on the National Strategy for Palliative Care, provide an overview on the changing landscape for palliative care in Singapore and share insights on how palliative services have evolved to meet these changing needs.

Lecture: A Community-Based Interdisciplinary Approach to Supporting Patients with Serious Respiratory Illness

Presented by:

Sheena Low, Day Care Manager, Assisi Hospice

Joseph Chen, Senior Physiotherapist, Assisi Hospice

Tammy Lim, Senior Music Therapist, Assisi Hospice

Patients with serious respiratory illness often present multi-dimensional needs. In this session, participants will learn more about the community-based interdisciplinary programme at Assisi to support these patients. Our discussion focuses on the role of PT/OT in rehabilitation and MT’s approach in managing the psychological needs of our patients.

Lecture: Caring for Patients With Neurological Conditions – A Neuropalliative Approach

Presented by:

Neo Huixin, Senior Physiotherapist, Assisi Hospice

Celine Yong, Senior Occupational Therapist, Assisi Hospice

Michelle Boo, Speech Therapist, Assisi Hospice

Neuropalliative care is an approach which aims to provide holistic care for patients and families living with a neurological disease. This session highlights the role, challenges and the unique contribution of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy in improving the quality of life of patients with a neurological condition.

Lecture: Finding Meaning Together

Presented by:

Mindy Yeo, Occupational Therapist, Assisi Hospice

Trudy Chua, Music Therapist, Assisi Hospice

Vivian Wong, Senior Art Therapist, Assisi Hospice

The World Health Organisation (2020) stated that palliative care “prevents and relieves suffering through early identification, correct assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, whether physical, psychosocial or spiritual”. In this segment, our team aims to open up conversations about spirituality. We will share our experiences in addressing spiritual concerns through a multi-disciplinary approach in Assisi Hospice.

Lunch & Networking

Workshop: Heads, Hearts & Hands: An Art Experiential by Art Therapists

Facilitated by:

Vivian Wong, Senior Art Therapist, Assisi Hospice

Art Therapy

This workshop features the Open Studio as a single-session therapeutic intervention used within the palliative inpatient setting. Participants will experience this inclusive and accessible approach where they acquaint themselves with the difference qualities of art materials, and learn to appreciate the art process as a way of enhancing well-being and self-awareness. They will be introduced to models, principles and art directives which they can apply personally and professionally.

Workshop: Receiving Closure Through Music – Building Our Personal Resources

Facilitated by:

Tammy Lim, Senior Music Therapist, Assisi Hospice

Trudy Chua, Music Therapist, Assisi Hospice

Music Therapy

As clinicians, our relationships with our patients usually terminate at some point, be it through their passing or their discharge to another service. Goodbyes can be said, but sometimes termination occurs abruptly and without resolution. How do we create the space and avenue to process and receive the closure we might need, whether the goodbyes came abruptly or not? Music can be a powerful resource, and this workshop can provide the space for us to review our goodbyes and to build resources that can help us move towards experiencing closure.

Registration closes 14 Jun 2024.

For enquiries, please contact Huixin at